Cheese Making Recipe of the Month A Beer Infused Cheese During the past few years, there has been a resurgence of interest by home beer brewers in making their own cheese. That's w...

Cheese Making Recipe of the Month Yogurt and More Yogurt! This is really the last word on one of the most popular dairy products in this country. And, yet, as Jim explains in his r...

Cheese Making Recipe of the Month Tomme de Savoie Are you ready to try your hand at a natural rind cheese? This recipe is for middle level cheese makers. Although there are many To...

Cheese Making Recipe of the Month Farmstead Cheese Attention beginners! This is the cheese for you. If you start with this recipe, you will have a solid foundation for continuing y...

Cheese Making Recipe of the Month Derby Cheese with Sage Green cheese! And, believe it or not, there is no food coloring involved. That beautiful color is from the sage infusion al...

Cheese Making Recipe of the Month Queso Fresco You may have noticed that Jim presented his fabulous recipe for Queso Blanco awhile back. That cheese is somewhat similar to Queso Fr...

Cheese Making Recipe of the Month Little "Baby Swiss" Aw, it's so cute! Spring is a great time to make a Baby Swiss! This is not just a smaller version of Mr. and Mrs. Swiss. It be...

Cheese Making Recipe of the Month Bulgarian Feta Style Cheese Happy Spring! This month's recipe for April is a great cheese for the warming weather. It is a Feta style cheese (we e...

Cheese Making Recipe of the Month Very Easy Schiz (Shkee) In Northern Italy, there's a region called the Dolomites where this cheese has it's origins. Traditionally, it is eaten ve...

Cheese Making Recipe of the Month It's a Camembert?.. No!..It's a Blue?.. No Again! It's CamBlu! This month, Jim has prepared a special recipe - a wonderful hybrid of Camembert wit...

Cheese Making Recipe of the Month Crottin de Chavignol If you've never met a little Crottin de Chavignol in person, it's hard to picture how small it really is. A fully mature chee...

Cheese Making Recipe of the Month Taleggio This is Jim's favorite cheese - mild and nutty but rich and smelly. Gordon Edgar in "Cheesemonger" recommends it to his customers as "a g...

Cheese Making Recipe of the Month Vegan Cheese We never thought we'd see the day when Jim would try to make dairy-free cheese, but here it is. He was inspired by our wonderful new ...

Cheese Making Recipe of the Month Goat Cheese with Ash Why in the world do we sprinkle ashes on goat cheese? It doesn't sound very appetizing! Some folks actually shy away from tas...

Cheese Making Recipe of the Month Limberger Q. Why is this cheese so stinky? A. It's all in the way you make it. Yes, this cheese can run the gamut from mildly aromatic to "run for...

Cheese Making Recipe of the Month A Norwegian Style Cheese - Jarlsberg® The eyes tell it all! Those little holes make this cheese look like a Swiss, but looks can be deceiving and ...

Cheese Making Recipe of the Month Halloumi A semi-hard, unripened and brined cheese, originally from Greece and the Middle East Get out the barbeque for this one! If you've never t...

Cheese Making Recipe of the Month St. Maure de Touraine When you make this cheese, call it St. Maure de Your House! You can easily make this cheese, but don't try to sell it by it'...

Cheese Making Recipe of the Month Romano Most of us are not currently living in Rome, but now we all have a great way to celebrate the Italian culture with this wonderful cheese. ...

Cheese Making Recipe of the Month Wisconsin Brick Cheese April is Grilled Cheese Month, so what could be more appropriate than mild, semi-soft, meltable Brick cheese? Jim did his r...

Cheese Making Recipe of the Month Cabra al Vino (Drunken Goat Cheese) What to do if your goat is drunk ... No, not really! This is a wine soaked cheese made from the milk of sober ...

Cheese Making Recipe of the Month Hispanico Cheese Popular in Spain, It Has Many Variations. When this cheese is made with cow's milk, it's called Hispanico. When it's made with sh...

Cheese Making Recipe of the Month Colby: An American Original In 1885, Joseph Steinwand developed a new recipe for a mild, sweet cheese and named it after the village in Wisconsin ...

Cheese Making Recipe of the Month Caciocavallo Jim goes to the big cheese festival in Bra, Italy whenever he can and it always inspires him. This year, he spent time studying the h...

All you need is milk
Cheese Making Kits
Discover the joy of cheese making with our all-inclusive kits, perfect
for crafting a variety of cheese. Whether you're a novice or looking to surprise someone special, these kits offer a simple and enjoyable way make cheese at home.
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