
Washington County Cheese Tour

Washington County Cheese Tour - New England Cheesemaking Supply Company

This year’s event will be the biggest “drive yourself” cheese tour in the U.S.!

What could be better than spending a fall weekend in upstate New York, sampling great cheese and touring the farms where it’s made? You can take your time (it’s a self-guided tour), and you have two full days, September 8 & 9th, to visit farms where some of the best cheese in the country is being made. (See

All the farms are located where NY, MA and VT converge – one hour’s drive north of Albany. At every stop, you will be able to taste the cheese and buy it, tour the facilities and, in some cases, view cheese making demonstrations, as well.

Participating farms include: 3-Corner Field Farm (Shushan, NY), Argyle Cheese Farmer (Argyle, NY), Consider Bardwell Farm (West Pawlet, VT), Longview Farm (Argyle, NY), Sweet Spring Farm (Argyle, NY) and Sugarloaf Farm (Fort Ann, NY). The tour is organized by the Washington County Cheese Makers.

This year will be the 6th time these farms have opened to the public and it just gets better every year.

And, did we mention that it’s free? Before you start, you will be given a special cheese lover’s passport and map for your adventure (bike touring maps are available, as well.) You may check off farms on your passport as you visit them and this gives you a chance to win some cheese at the end of your visit.

There is still time to become a sponsor of the event. (We love the names of the sponsorship levels- The Big Cheese, The Big Wheel, The Big Wedge and The Big Slice.) They do limit the number of sponsors in order to maximize visibility. For more information, contact the tour coordinator, Renata Pilato at 518-854-9901 or

Scenes from the 2011 tour…

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