
Little Tidbits - 015

Little Tidbits - 015


A tidbit is a little piece of something BIG and that something is the big, big world of cheese. We know you’re kinda busy making your own “fabulous fromage,” so, every month (on the 15th), we scour the Web for you, picking out new items of interest and giving you the links. If we missed something, let us know at [email protected] or in the comments below.

This fan at a football game in Melbourne, Australia made quite a sensation when he calmly ate a cheese platter with a selection of soft cheeses, avocado, prosciutto and bread, which he had brought to the game (click here).

Congratulations!: Reggie Jones and his wife Kellie, owners of Central Coast Creamery in Paso Robles, California won 1st place in the American Cheese Society Competition with their Goat Cheddar – click here


Chefs Picks: If you’re traveling around the world, this article might help you decide what cheeses to try – click here


Another Approach: – The article above pairs you with the best cheeses in various countries, while this one (at the Tasting Table) pairs you with the best countries to visit – click here


Breakthrough: We’re excited to share this NPR report about a new vaccine for the “goat plague” which has been a big problem in Africa, the Middle East and parts of Asia – click here


Cheddarmageddon: A cheese festival in Brighton, UK is said to have been the worst cheese festival ever! They ran out of cheese almost immediately, incurring the wrath of attendees. (hell hath no fury like a cheese aficionado scorned!) – click here

Jasper Hill built a solar fueled hay dryer to suck the moisture out of their hay (wet hay effects the taste of their cheese). The building is called the Randi Albert Calderwood Cropping Center. Jasper Hill is aging one of their new cheeses in this hay and it’s called Calderwood.

See you next month and happy cheese making!

Reading next

Ron Schmidt in Gainesville, Florida
Free Food Safety Course for Cheese Makers


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